Sunday, March 28, 2010

58 and Sunny

Today was a beautiful day for gardening and getting ready for the summer. Darren is revamping Garden #1 by putting in new posts and building a gate (yea!). Last year we got a bunch of scraps from the railroad bed after they redid everything down there and never cleaned their junk pile up. The posts you see are the things the insulators sit on and are quite sturdy. This morning, Darren went back down to the railroad and scavenged some more old planks and insulator posts, and by the time I got up, he already had them cut in half.

I felt ready to see some seeds in the ground, so yesterday I planted carrots (2 different kinds-Scarlet Nantes and Tendersweets) and candy onions. We got Garden #2 ready yesterday in the wind, so the furthest front bed was ready for the lettuce (2 different kinds-iceburg and head lettuce). Then I spent the rest of my day figuring out how to make trellises for the peas to grow up from all the free stuff we got from Jeremiah. After that, I planted peas, then decided I had received enough sun for the day and came in for Fig Newtons.

The seedlings are still looking okay. The corn most definitely did not like the wind we had over the past few days, and it is looking pretty raggedy-assed. Some of the re-potted tomatoes aren't looking too happy, either, but that's good because we planted a ton, so we can weed out the weak ones.

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