Solid Citizens
- Peppers-I've had a few peppers come out. Two were the size of a 50 cent piece when they were eaten by what I think were pepper weavels. I was so excited for them, too. Another couple were also eaten early on, and now I am just hoping the worst is over because there are a lot of peppers coming out. I may have to spray...
- Tomatoes-I trimmed the indeterminate tomatoes way back so that they are the most productive they can be. All of the tomato plants have lots of green tomatoes on them, so hopefully they will begin to ripen all at once and we can make salsa!
- Beans-These are producing really well. The second planting of them are flowering, and I hope they are ready to eat by the time Darren's parents come out. The third round of plantings are up and should be producing by the time my mom comes out.
- Cantaloupe-The cantaloupes are flowering, and I saw one female blossom on one of the plants. We'll see if we get anything out of them this year.
- Watermelons-I saw my first baby watermelon July 8th, and it is still there (nothing has eaten it yet). Since then, a few more little babies have developed on 2 of the plants. We may get melon! I'm not counting on it, but perhaps we will get lucky.
- Corn-The corn was definitely knee-high by the 4th. The little tassels came out on the 9th. It's looking really healthy.
- Cucumbers-I'm not sure if they are just female flowers or if there are actual baby cucumbers growing behind the flowers, but baby-looking cucumbers came out on the 8th. Lots of flowering on these in the Three Sisters Garden
Now what to do with...?
- Squash-It has taken over a lot of space, but I haven't seen any actual blooms yet.
- Lettuce-I ripped out the rest of the lettuce June 26th because it had gone to seed and the earwigs and slugs had gotten to it. Good riddance. I planted zucchini where the head lettuce had been on the 5th of July. I planted cauliflower in the other bed where the Burpee lettuce was.
- Peas-I don't know what got to the peas this year, but a bunch of those little bugs that I talked about earlier were everywhere. My gut told me to rip them out, so I did on July 9th and 10th. I even got rid of the Avalanche Peas, which we planted later than the other pea. Now we have two spots that need to be planted, and I'm not sure what to put there. It's a bit too early for Swiss Chard, which I plan on planting at the end of July. Is it too late/early to plant cabbage?
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