Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ahead of the Game

Last year, we didn't see any blossoms on the tomato plants until July 3rd. We have blossoms on one of the Baby Girl Cherry Tomato plants that I planted on February 4th already! Why were things so small and sackless last year? I'm transpotting plants this year, and I didn't do that last year. I also started plants earlier. Last year I began seeds indoors at the end of March. This year I did my first planting Feb. 4-6 then every Friday from then on. I guess that is a two month head start, but still, the Lowe's tomato plant that we picked up is already blossoming, PLUS it looks way awesomer than our tomatoes (yes, I know awesomer isn't a word). It will be interesting to see when things produce this year, and I'm really antsy to see it happening!

1 comment:

  1. Have you found the Rocky Mountain Gardening Forum on GardenWeb yet?
    There are a bunch of other Colorado gardeners there too. There will be a plant swap in Longmont next month - check it out!
