Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ahead of the Game

Last year, we didn't see any blossoms on the tomato plants until July 3rd. We have blossoms on one of the Baby Girl Cherry Tomato plants that I planted on February 4th already! Why were things so small and sackless last year? I'm transpotting plants this year, and I didn't do that last year. I also started plants earlier. Last year I began seeds indoors at the end of March. This year I did my first planting Feb. 4-6 then every Friday from then on. I guess that is a two month head start, but still, the Lowe's tomato plant that we picked up is already blossoming, PLUS it looks way awesomer than our tomatoes (yes, I know awesomer isn't a word). It will be interesting to see when things produce this year, and I'm really antsy to see it happening!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Pictures of Progress


Peppers and Tomatoes

Pepper progress


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

We have carrots that have germinated! I really didn't think that we would see them germinate after planting them so early and the few cold nights we had, but after school I checked the garden, and they're there. Yea! Our Burpee lettuce also germinated today. Look at all of the seeds growing by the marker. That sucks because it means they will have to get pulled, but I'm glad to see some progress.

The peas are also germinating. The first peas showed themselves yesterday (4-13-2010). There are a lot more today, so I snapped a few pictures to show the progress. I can't wait for the beans to emerge. I'm ready for summer!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


We finally have germination in the garden! After being planted on March 28th, the two head lettuces have emerged.

Last weekend, on Easter, we planted our Blueberry bush that we purchased from Gurney's. It came a couple of days before in the mail, and I was worried about planting it because of our cold nights, but finally it got warm enough (I thought). We chopped out the bush that does nothing but attract flies and wasps and put the Ka-Bluey blueberry bush in on the south side of the garage. Upon reading about blueberries, we discovered that you need more than one in order for them to pollinate, so we picked up two from Lowes and planted those too. Those ones look like they will really do something this year. Yesterday, we received our raspberry and blackberry clippings in the mail, and so we planted those sad-sacks today. You can see how sad they are in the picture below.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Planting Potatoes

We planted the potatoes today. We had some potatoes from the cupboard that had majorly spouted, so I tried planting those along with the Yukon Gold seed potatoes I mail-ordered.
We decided to do an experiment. We planted the potatoes east to west so that 1 row is completely in the sun and 1 row is mostly in the shade. It gets so hot here in the summer that I thought maybe the shade would be good for them. We shall see...

I wanted to take pictures of the progress of the tomatoes along their way. To the right is the tomato I planted on February 4th. I transplanted it into this 6 inch pot a few weeks ago, fertilized it, and look at how awesome it looks! This one will feed us many many!

Friday, April 2, 2010


On the March 30th, I transpotted a bunch of the 1 1/2 month old seedlings. One of the tomatoes that I transpotted on the 16th is looking pretty awesome. The transplanting was good for the tomatoes and peppers. I also planted 2 kinds of Burpee lettuce and some of Burpee peppers and Gurney watermelons.

Left are the peppers.
Below are some of the tomatoes.