Friday, July 31, 2009

Devastation and Growth

We had a horrible hail storm on Wednesday that really took a toll on the garden. Wow. I mean WOW! We have had a lot of rain this summer. It's been pretty cool and wet, and I will be glad when this dry spell hits us (starting today) because I moved to Colorado to get out of the rain! However, the rain has been good for establishing a yard, which we are still trying to do. Check out the sod pictures!

Before the sod.


The pictures below are of the huge holes left by the hail. That's right...those were not chewed by bugs; those holes were created by pea to penny-sized hail. Sad day. The cantaloupe didn't make it through the storm.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Garden #2 Pictures

Yesterday we stopped at Spencer's and there were flowering hot pepper plants for only 39 cents! Darren bought two and planted them. We'll see how well they do!

Today I have more pictures of the garden just to see daily progress. Cantaloupe progress?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Trying for a Fall Harvest

This year, Darren and I decided to start trying to grow our own vegetables. We have already had some success with Garden #1, and next year I will probably keep a blog about all of the gardens. For now, I want to use this blog to track the progress of Garden #2 and #3 for future reference.

Garden #2: The One We Did Right

  • July 21: Planted cauliflower, beans, peas, carrots, Burpee lettuce, and leaf lettuce.

  • July 22: Planted corn (trying an experiment) and cucumbers. Darren transplanted two of his fully grown tomato plants because they were crowding out the others. We don't expect them to make it, but I'm going to try.

Projected Germination Date

Actual Germination Date


July 25 through 31

July 25th

Leaf Lettuce

July 25 through 31


July 27 through 31

July 26th


July 27 through Aug. 4

Burpee Lettuce

July 28 through 31

July 26th


July 29 through Aug. 1


July 30th


July 31 through Aug. 7th

I have pictures of the progress so far. I also included some cantaloupe pictures because I want to see if they are doing anything or if they are just male flowers.